Thanks to the rise of cloud computing, smartphones and tablets the amount of paper in offices has definitely reduced. However, most businesses can still reduce their paper consumption by a further 20% with some simple office policies.
Where once the idea of being able to access documents anywhere and everywhere was but a pipe dream, with the likes of Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive, this is now possible with the tap of a button or click of a mouse.
This is not only brilliant for SMEs concerned with how much printing and the supply of paper costs a business’s bottom line but also people concerned with the environmental impact of offices filled with paper and wastage. After all, everything that is printed has both an environmental and monetary cost.
From a corporate social responsibility point of view, going paperless makes absolute sense. Globally, it’s believed our paper consumption has more than doubled in the last 40 years, while ORS Group figures suggest that the average UK worker goes through 10,000 sheets of paper annually – the equivalent of four boxes, which cost £40 in total.
From a financial perspective, better using resources and reducing waste can only ultimately do good things for your overheads. Whether that translates to pure savings or just enables an organisation to divert extra resources to add value elsewhere, it can offer real benefits.
So, think before you hit that print button and start 2019 with a fresh approach to help save money and increase efficiency whilst helping the environment with the following tips:
1) Avoid printing emails where necessary
3) If you must print, try reducing the number of copies
3) Set your printer to default to double-side printing
4) Use scanners or email instead of printing
5) Recycle what you use and ask to use recycled paper