Recent research by Verizon revealed that business owners and senior executives are 12 times more likely to be the target of a cybersecurity attack than any other employee – with SMEs the victims of 43% of all data security breaches.
For me, this worrying trend confirms what I have been saying to our clients for as long as I can remember: Effective cybersecurity has to start at the very top of your organisation – at board level – with clear policies, standards, roles and responsibilities that everyone understands, all backed by sufficient resources to make it happen.
It’s no surprise that top people are most at risk. They’re incredibly busy, on the move, working long hours, trying to achieve as much as possible every day – with the result that they are vulnerable to being caught off guard – and the cybercriminal only needs one mistake to pounce. And that mistake can be very expensive, not just in purely financial terms.
Executives also have onerous legal and regulatory responsibilities, with breaches likely to damage reputations, business prospects, careers – even an organisation’s very existence.
Surveys show that almost all SMEs are now aware of the business-critical importance of cybersecurity. That’s great – but now is the time to put cybersecurity at the heart of the way you do business, to protect everything you’ve worked for. Leadership is crucial, to reaffirm that cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility, how we all have a vital role in the battle, and why it’s in everyone’s interest to become super-vigilant at work.
First, you and your senior colleagues must have a forensic understanding of all your key risks and vulnerabilities and how your data is gathered, managed and stored. You and your employees need ongoing training to guard against increasingly sophisticated efforts to trick you into revealing information which the skilled hacker can wreak havoc with. Discuss this with your IT provider and ask them if there is anything else you can do.
At The PC Support Group, we’ve developed a comprehensive, award-winning portfolio of services, solutions, advice, and guidance to help keep our clients – and their clients – safe. We’re also Cyber Essentials-certified, having achieved the principal UK Government-backed cybersecurity quality standard. Some of the services that The PC Support Group offer as part of our portfolio include:
- Security surveys and testing – to help identify and manage vulnerabilities
- Managed internet firewall protection – that meets the Payment Card Industry Security Standard (PCIDSS) compliance regulations
- Managed antivirus services – ensuring detection, protection, and removal
- Data backup services – keeping all your data in a safe and secure location
- Multi-Factor Authentication – for extra security in addition to usernames and passwords
- Data encryption – keeping data safe if your computer or smartphone is lost or stolen
- Email security diagnostics – to enhance your system’s security configuration.
Take the lead NOW and email us on info@pcsupportgroup.com or call us on 03300 886116 to find out how we can help keep your business safe and running smoothly.
Phil Bird,
Managing Director, The PC Support Group