Research Update: Top 5 reasons why people seek assistance from Managed Service Providers (MSPs)


We’re all busy and keeping up with cyber security risks and other fast-moving IT issues is a challenge for any business. As an experienced IT partner, we work with our clients to understand and address common pain points, and using up to date research is one of the insider tools we use.

Insights from globally respected experts, Datto

In this week’s blog we’re sharing insights from Datto's*, Global State of the MSP Report, which highlights the top five reasons why clients seek Managed Service Providers (MSPs) assistance. If any of these are pain points that you’re feeling, you are not alone, but the good news is they can all be addressed.

Top 5 IT pain points

1. Increasing Concerns about Cybersecurity Risks

With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated and prevalent, businesses are increasingly concerned about protecting their sensitive data and systems from potential breaches. According to the report, 68% of MSPs cited cybersecurity as a top concern among their clients. MSPs offer expertise in implementing robust security measures, such as firewalls, anti-phishing detection, encryption, and zero-trust systems, to safeguard against cyber threats and mitigate risks with continuous monitoring and threat detection. Outside of automated measures, MSPs can provide proactive support such as regular security assessments and employee training to ensure comprehensive protection.


2. Need for Expertise Beyond Internal Resources

The report indicates that 64% of businesses seek MSP assistance for access to expertise and guidance in managing their IT environments. Many businesses lack the in-house expertise needed to effectively manage their IT infrastructure and address cybersecurity challenges. As technology continues to advance, businesses are recognising the value of partnering with MSPs who possess the latest technology and specialised skills and knowledge. Moreover, MSPs offer strategic IT planning and consulting services to align technology investments with business goals and objectives.


3. Assistance with Managing Remote or Hybrid Workforces:

The shift to remote and hybrid work models has presented new challenges for businesses in terms of managing and securing their IT infrastructure, with 42% of businesses seeking MSP support, say Datto. MSPs play a crucial role in helping businesses adapt to these changes by providing solutions for remote access, collaboration tools, and cybersecurity measures tailored to remote work environments. Additionally, MSPs offer comprehensive support for remote workforce management, including device management, secure remote access solutions, and training for remote employees.


4. Decision to Outsource Rather than Manage Internally

Outsourcing allows businesses to access a team of dedicated professionals with expertise in various areas of IT and cybersecurity without the overhead costs associated with hiring and maintaining an in-house IT department. Many businesses have recognised the benefits of outsourcing IT management and cybersecurity to MSPs rather than trying to manage everything internally, with 39% of businesses choosing to outsource IT management to MSPs, report Datto. Furthermore, MSPs offer scalable solutions that can adapt to the evolving needs of businesses, ensuring flexibility and cost-effectiveness.


5. Dissatisfaction with Previous MSP

In some cases, businesses may seek out a new MSP due to dissatisfaction with their current provider. Issues such as poor communication, slow response times, or inadequate service delivery can prompt businesses to look for a new MSP that better meets their needs. Datto's report highlights that 27% of businesses switch MSPs due to dissatisfaction, often due to lack of proactive engagement. To address these concerns, the best MSPs focus on delivering exceptional customer service, including responsive support and regular communication to ensure client satisfaction and minimise disruptions. At The PC Support Group, we pride ourselves on our unique, proactive approach, which reduces the need for ‘a break-fix methodology’ and our dedicated client relationship department.

How can this research benefit your business?

In conclusion, businesses are moving away from basic IT support and turning to MSPs to address a variety of cybersecurity and IT management challenges, ranging from increasing concerns about cyber threats to the need for expertise beyond internal resources. MSPs offer comprehensive solutions tailored to businesses' unique needs, helping them navigate the complex IT landscape and stay ahead of emerging threats.

As businesses continue to prioritise cybersecurity and technology resilience, the role of MSPs will only become more critical in safeguarding their digital assets and ensuring business continuity.

If any of these concerns resonate with you, read our ‘Essential Guide to Small Business IT Support’ with a free e-book download or book a free, no obligation consultation. We are a leading, award-winning MSP, perfectly placed to help you.


*Datto is a leading provider of cloud-based software and technology solutions. As a trusted industry authority, Datto's insights, and research, such as the Global State of the MSP Report, provide valuable information and trends shaping the managed services landscape.