I wanted to share an incident with you that we came across recently, as it could happen to any business and be very costly.
You’ve probably heard of phishing emails – it’s when criminals send bogus emails to individuals to get them to reveal usernames, passwords, and credit card details usually by simply clicking on a link. And while many scam emails are easy to spot, some can look very convincing. Even if it looks like it’s from a credible source such as one of the big banks or a large corporation like Microsoft, it could just as easily be from a cybercriminal.
What business owners don’t often realise is how many of these emails come into their businesses every day and how easy it is for people to respond with devastating consequences.
A prospect called us to work out how an email had seemingly been sent from them to all their clients requesting payment into a specific account “without delay to avoid the loss of service”. The answer was that hackers had used a phishing email to trick them into providing the login details to their email system. The hackers then logged in and sent this email out as if it really was from this business owner.
Not only did one client pay – into the hackers account, but can you imagine the effect of such an abrupt and demanding email on the client relationship?! What was worse was that their only recourse was to tell their clients that they had been hacked, which made their business appear even more disorganised and vulnerable.
So, what can you do to ensure this doesn’t happen to your business?
Well, your best defences are education and motivation. Share the problem with your people. Build a team of committed defenders against cybercriminals. Help them to spot the dangers – the do’s and don’ts and the need for caution and vigilance. Talk to them about the consequences of damaging their livelihoods and your business. It could honestly be the most valuable investment you ever make. Make no mistake, phishing could kill your business.
And of course, here at The PC Support Group, we can help you build defences against cybercriminals and provide advice and guidance to make sure your business is safe and secure. It’s what we do! Call our team today for an informal and confidential chat on 03300 88 6116 or email them on info@pcsupportgroup.com.
Phil Bird
Managing Director, The PC Support Group