5 Warning Signs That It’s Time To Upgrade Your PC


You only bought it a couple of years ago, so it can’t be time to upgrade your PC just yet.

Can it?

Well, for a start, it was probably much longer ago than you think that you purchased your latest desktop, and even so, there are no cast-iron assurances that your hardware will stand the test of time year-after-year.

Unfortunately for your wallet, technology runs in cycles. What was considered “mod” and revolutionary five short years ago (you know, 2009) might just be well past its sell-by-date.

Like any diagnosis, discovering you have a problem early can help you when it comes to finding the cure and limiting the damage.

So, if you’re sensing a little sluggishness or noticing some nasty noises, it could be a warning sign that all is not well with your computer.

Here are five signs it’s time to upgrade.

1) It runs infuriatingly slow

When you’re sitting waiting for what seems forever for your computer to spark into life, this is a strong sign that your PC is not up to the job. There is a chance that a clean-up will improve things but modern software will stretch older PCs to their limits.

Whatever the cause, a slow computer means less productivity (and more anger!).

So you need to ask yourself, as a business, are you sure you can you afford that?

2) Unexpected noises

A loud groaning noise from your fan or hard drive is a pretty good indicator that hardware failure is imminent.

So if you’re not in a position to upgrade just yet, at least take these noises as a warning and make sure you have a backup of all your important files.

3) Repairs are costing you a small fortune

Computers are rather like cars, there are so many individual components that have the potential to go wrong at any one time and they suffer from wear and tear.

So, if you find yourself constantly making-do and mending, it may be time to bite the bullet and opt for a new PC all together.

4) Continual Crashing

Fortunately most ”blue screens” aren’t fatal and you can simply re-boot your PC with little harm done. But if crashes are occurring with concerning regularity it might be time to ask why.

Constant crashing is usually either a sign that you have a virus or it’s a pretty good sign that the computer is running up against the limits of its ability and an upgrade is the only solution.

5) You’re out of space

If there’s not enough room for software to run properly and your demands exceed the systems’ specifications, then put simply – you need a new PC.

It’s no good just trying to manage a space or memory crisis on a day-to-day basis, so you need to think about your long-term requirements and planning for the future is key.

You need to ask yourself, will the software you are buying now be able to run on your patched up PC in 12 months time?